Featured author
Elizabeth Cook is an author, poet, librettist, and scholar. Born in Gibraltar, she spent her childhood in Nigeria and Dorset. She has been the British Academy Chatterton Lecturer, a Hawthornden Fellow, and is a Royal Literary Fund Fellow. She has written for publications including the London Review of Books, is the editor of the Oxford Authors John Keats and author of the acclaimed novel Achilles (Methuen and Picador USA) which, in a performance version, won a Fringe First at Edinburgh and has been performed at…
Read moreJessica Gaitán Johannesson grew up between Sweden, Colombia, and…
DiscoverTete Garcia is a Spanish illustrator based in Sydney’s Northern…
DiscoverSam Garrett has translated some fifty novels and works of nonfiction.…
DiscoverSean Gasper Bye is a translator of Polish, French, and Russian…
DiscoverJeremy Gavron is the author of six books, including A Woman on the Edge…
DiscoverMichael Gawenda is one of Australia’s best-known journalists and…
DiscoverBorn in 1988, Valentin Gendrot worked on local newspapers and radio…
DiscoverRobin Gerster is a professor in the School of Languages, Literatures,…
DiscoverMasha Gessen is an acclaimed Russian-American journalist and the author…
DiscoverLee Geum-yi is a bestselling YA author in Korea. Her debut adult novel,…
DiscoverRebecca Giblin is an ARC Future Fellow and professor at Melbourne Law…
DiscoverChristoph Giesen is the China correspondent of the German magazine Der…
DiscoverRebecca Giggs is a writer from Perth, Western Australia. Her work has…
DiscoverJohanna Gillbro, PhD, is an award-winning skin scientist with more than…
DiscoverMidge Gillies specialises in writing books about history’s forgotten…
DiscoverAlejandro Giraldo holds a degree in graphic design from UPB Medellín…
DiscoverJane Godwin is an Australian children’s book publisher, and also the…
DiscoverClarissa Goenawan is an Indonesian-born Singaporean writer and…
DiscoverGan Golan is a New York Times-bestselling author, artist and activist.…
DiscoverDr Claudia M. Gold is a paediatrician and writer. She has practised…
DiscoverAndrea Goldsmith originally trained as a speech pathologist and was a…
DiscoverSusan Golombok is professor of family research and director of the…
DiscoverLarry Gonick, a cartoonist specialising in nonfiction books, is best…
DiscoverNicky Gonzalez is a writer from Hialeah, Florida. Her fiction has…
DiscoverChelsey Goodan has been an academic tutor and mentor for 16 years, with…
DiscoverMartin Goodman is the author of nine books of fiction and nonfiction.…
DiscoverBorn in London shortly after World War II and educated at the French…
DiscoverDr Maja Göpel is a political economist and an important voice for a…
DiscoverEleanor Gordon-Smith is a reporter, ethicist, and recovering champion…
DiscoverGareth Gore is a financial journalist and editor with close to two…
DiscoverRobert Gott was born in the Queensland town of Maryborough in 1957, and…
DiscoverLori Gottlieb is a psychotherapist and New York Times bestselling…
DiscoverCharles Graeber is a contributing editor for Wired and a contributor to…
DiscoverFiona Graham is a British literary translator, editor, and reviewer who…
DiscoverStan Grant is an award-winning journalist and author. He is currently…
DiscoverDaniel Gray-Barnett is an illustrator and author from the Huon Valley…
DiscoverBernadette Green grew up loving animals and being outside. She was no…
DiscoverJoshua Green is a senior national correspondent for Bloomberg…
DiscoverJudith Grisel, PhD, is a professor of psychology at Bucknell…
DiscoverPhilipp Grüll is a weapons expert and editor at Germany’s leading…
DiscoverDr Ahona Guha is a clinical and forensic psychologist. Her first book,…
DiscoverMichael Gustafson is the co-owner of Literati Bookstore, an independent…
DiscoverHabiburahman, known as Habib, is a Rohingya. Born in 1979 in Burma (now…
DiscoverDaniel Hahn is a writer, editor, and translator, with some eighty books…
DiscoverGideon Haigh has been a journalist for forty years, contributed to more…
DiscoverAndy Hamilton is an author, forager, thinker, researcher, and dad.…
DiscoverRoger Hampson is an academic and public servant. He was chief executive…
DiscoverAndrew Hankinson is a journalist who was born, raised, and lives in…
DiscoverNino Haratischvili was born in Georgia in 1983, and is an award-winning…
DiscoverPepper Harding is the pen name of a San Francisco writer known for an…
DiscoverPauline Harmange (born 1995) is a French feminist writer and…
DiscoverMary Hartzell, MEd, received her master’s degree in early-childhood…
DiscoverNick Haslam, professor of psychology at the University of Melbourne,…
DiscoverKim M. Hastings lived in São Paulo for several years, studied Brazilian…
DiscoverBarbara J. Haveland (born 1951) is a Scots-born literary translator…
DiscoverMary Haverstick is a director, writer, and cinematographer. Her most…
DiscoverCharles Hawley holds a BA in political science and an MA in journalism.…
DiscoverChris Hayes is an award-winning author, journalist, and broadcaster.…
DiscoverMaria Dahvana Headley is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and…
DiscoverBarry Heard was conscripted in Australia’s first national-service…
DiscoverJane Hedley-Prôle studied German and Dutch at the University of…
DiscoverM. Henderson Ellis is the author of Keeping Bedlam at Bay in the Prague…
DiscoverNadja Hermann is a behavioural psychologist with a background in…
DiscoverSònia Hernández was born in 1976, in Terrassa. Granta named her one of…
DiscoverUlrike Herrmann was born in Hamburg in 1964. She trained as a banker…
DiscoverMalte Herwig is a reporter, broadcaster, and historian. He is known for…
DiscoverFranz Hessel was born in 1880 to a Jewish banking family, and grew up…
DiscoverMichiel Heyns is a South African author, translator, and academic. He…
DiscoverJennifer Higgie went to art school in Australia and now lives in…
DiscoverRobert Hillman has written a number of books including his 2004 memoir…
DiscoverLes Hinton was born in Bootle, Merseyside, in 1944, the son of a…
DiscoverJudith Hoare is a journalist who worked for the Australian Broadcasting…
DiscoverMary Hoban is a Melbourne-based writer and historian. Her first book…
DiscoverJenny Hocking is emeritus professor at Monash University, Distinguished…
DiscoverLiu Hong grew up in the North East of China, near the Chinese–North…
DiscoverBradley Hope has worked for the Wall Street Journal for the last four…
DiscoverJudy Horacek is an Australian cartoonist, artist, writer, and…
DiscoverNana Howton is a Brazilian-born American writer with a BA from Stanford…
DiscoverEliza Hull is a musical artist, writer, journalist, and disability…
DiscoverDr Carole Hungerford became a general practitioner in 1975. After…
DiscoverTobias Hürter, born in 1972, studied mathematics and philosophy in…
DiscoverKim Hyo-eun studied textile design at college and illustration at the…
DiscoverAnosh Irani was born in Bombay, and is the author of several critically…
DiscoverTait Ischia is a copywriter, content strategist, and content experience…
DiscoverKelly Jackson is a teacher and educational writer. A graduate of the…
DiscoverLinda Jackson is a true pioneer and free spirit of Australian fashion…
DiscoverLuke C Jackson is an author, teacher and researcher based in Melbourne,…
DiscoverBianca Jacobsohn is a South African and French translator and…
DiscoverPaul Jaminet, PhD, was an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian…
DiscoverShou-Ching Jaminet, PhD, is a molecular biologist and cancer researcher…
DiscoverRiikka Jäntti is a Helsinki-based illustrator and author who has…
DiscoverSándor Jászberényi is a Hungarian writer and Middle East correspondent…
DiscoverYvonne Jewkes is Professor of Criminology at the University of Bath and…
DiscoverAnnaleese Jochems was born in 1994 and grew up in Northland. She won…
DiscoverHanna Johansson began her writing career as a critic and essayist…
DiscoverJessica Johns is a Nehiyaw aunty and member of Sucker Creek First…
DiscoverScott Johnson has spent much of the last decade in the Middle East,…
DiscoverChris Johnston is a senior writer for The Age and Sydney Morning…
DiscoverDr Wayne Jonas is the president and chief executive officer of the…
DiscoverBarry Jones was a Labor member of the Victorian and Commonwealth…
DiscoverDean Jones played 52 Tests for Australia between 1984 and 1992, scoring…
DiscoverLucy Jones studied German at UEA with W.G. Sebald, and worked as a…
DiscoverRosie Jones is an award-winning writer, director, and editor. Her most…
DiscoverMelanie Joosten's debut novel, Berlin Syndrome, saw her named a Sydney…
DiscoverLesley Jørgensen trained as a registered nurse while also completing…
DiscoverKira Josefsson is a writer and translator working between English and…
DiscoverAnjali Joseph is an Indian novelist living in Britain. Her first novel,…
DiscoverNicholas Jubber is an award-winning travel writer. Fascinated by…
DiscoverMenachem Kaiser holds an MFA in creative writing from the University of…
DiscoverDr Rami Kaminski is a clinical psychologist, researcher, and the former…
DiscoverJ.C. Kannemeyer was professor of Afrikaans and Dutch at Stellenbosch…
DiscoverMara Kardas-Nelson is an independent journalist focusing on…
DiscoverDr Chavi Eve Karkowsky is a maternal-foetal medicine specialist. She…
DiscoverTim Kasser, a professor of psychology at Knox College in Galesburg,…
DiscoverBas Kast was born in 1973, and studied psychology and biology in…
DiscoverDr David L. Katz is the founding director of Yale University’s…
DiscoverBel Kaufman was an author and schoolteacher. Born in Berlin in 1911,…
DiscoverRaphael Kellman, MD, graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine,…
DiscoverCate Kennedy is the author of the highly acclaimed novel The World…
DiscoverJacqueline Kent is the author of five acclaimed biographies. A Certain…
DiscoverIan Kerner is a licensed US psychotherapist and nationally recognised…
DiscoverIsabel Kershner was born and raised in Manchester, England, and…
DiscoverHesh Kestin was for two decades a foreign correspondent, reporting from…
DiscoverTony Kevin served in the Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister’s…
DiscoverArtist and geometry practitioner Nabeel Khan’s wonderfully simple…
DiscoverSora Kim-Russell has translated numerous works of Korean fiction,…
DiscoverEun-ju Kim has been writing children’s books for a long time since…
DiscoverRichard King was born in 1971 in England, and now lives in Fremantle,…
DiscoverAmorina Kingdon is a science writer whose work has been anthologised…
DiscoverProfessor Edwin Kirk is both a clinical geneticist and a genetic…
DiscoverWarren Kirk has been a documentary photographer for over 30 years. His…
DiscoverDr Suzann Kirschner-Brouns is a doctor and mediator. As a medical…
DiscoverSara Kitai is an Israeli translator with over 30 years experience…
DiscoverIn London during the heyday of punk, Johannes Klabbers shared the stage…
DiscoverStefan Klein, PhD, has studied physics and analytical philosophy and…
DiscoverElizabeth Kleinhenz was born in Melbourne, where she has spent most of…
DiscoverJanet S. Klosko, PhD, Co-director of the Cognitive Therapy Center of…
DiscoverYun Ko-eun was born in Seoul in 1980. In 2004, the year she graduated…
DiscoverTorill Kornfeldt is a Swedish science journalist with a background in…
DiscoverRamona Koval is a writer, editor and broadcaster. She is the host of…
DiscoverRobert Kurson earned a bachelor's degree in philosophy from the…
DiscoverJessica Lasky-Fink is a PhD candidate at the University of California,…
DiscoverDaniel M. Lavery is a co-founder of The Toast and the author of Texts…
DiscoverJi-won Lee studied illustration and has been working as an illustrator…
DiscoverCasey Legler is an artist, restaurateur, model, and former Olympic…
DiscoverKatrina Lehman lives in Melbourne with her three children, a…
DiscoverCarol Leonnig is a national investigative reporter at The Washington…
DiscoverJill Lepore is a professor of American history at Harvard University…
DiscoverTatiana Salem Levy is a writer, essayist, and researcher at…
DiscoverDr Marc Lewis is a neuroscientist and professor of developmental…
DiscoverTess Lewis is a writer and translator from French and German. Her…
DiscoverMatilda Leyser read English Literature at King’s College, London and…
DiscoverHans Limmer was born in 1926. In the 1960s, he emigrated with his…
DiscoverDaryl Lindsey studied journalism and German. He works as a journalist…
DiscoverAlice Lindstrom is an illustrator and artist based in Melbourne,…
DiscoverMagnus Linton is a Swedish writer whose work tackles controversial…
DiscoverDeborah Lipstadt is Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish History and…
DiscoverLong Litt Woon (born 1958 in Malaysia) is an anthropologist and…
DiscoverAntony Loewenstein is an independent journalist, bestselling author,…
DiscoverAimée Lutkin is a writer, director, and performer from NYC, where she…
DiscoverAlec MacGillis is a senior reporter for ProPublica and the recipient of…
DiscoverChris Macheras is a Melbourne-born lawyer and artist. His…
DiscoverRaquel MacKay resides in Iowa City, Iowa with her husband, two young…
DiscoverNancy MacLean is the award-winning author of Behind the Mask of…
DiscoverKim Mahood is a writer and artist who grew up in Central Australia and…
DiscoverThomas Maloney was born in Kent in 1979, grew up in London, and studied…
DiscoverBecky Manawatu (Ngai Tahu, Ngati Mamoe, Waitaha) is a West Coast author…
DiscoverMichael E. Mann is Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science at…
DiscoverRupert Mann is a cultural and built-heritage specialist in urban…
DiscoverLauren Marriott is, above all other things, a doodler. There was never…
DiscoverWalter Marsh is a journalist based in Tarntanya/Adelaide with a…
DiscoverRuth Martin studied English literature before gaining a PhD in German.…
DiscoverWednesday Martin is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller…
DiscoverGabi Martínez has published eleven fiction and non-fiction books. He is…
DiscoverKate Marvel is a climate scientist and one of the premier science…
DiscoverLyn Marven is a translator from German specialising in contemporary…
DiscoverJane Mayer is an award-winning staff writer for The New Yorker and the…
DiscoverTilar J. Mazzeo is the New York Times and San Francisco Chronicle…
DiscoverMark Mazzetti is a national security correspondent for The New York…
DiscoverIAIN MCCALMAN is Professor of History at the University of Sydney. He…
DiscoverMatt McCarthy is the author of two US bestsellers, The Real Doctor Will…
DiscoverGavin McCrea is the author of two critically acclaimed novels, Mrs…
DiscoverDavid McCullough Jr taught for sixteen years at Punahou School in…
DiscoverAn Ohio native, Tiffany McDaniel’s writing is inspired by the rolling…
DiscoverMichael McGirr, born in 1961, is an essayist, reviewer, prize-winning…
DiscoverAnna McGregor, an author, illustrator, and designer based in Melbourne.…
DiscoverRussell McGregor has been a birdwatcher since childhood and an…
DiscoverDavid McKay is an award-winning translator of Dutch fiction and…
DiscoverLaura Jean McKay is the author of The Animals in That Country (Scribe,…
DiscoverMartin McKenzie-Murray was The Saturday Paper’s chief correspondent,…
DiscoverLyn McLean is Australia’s foremost consumer advocate on the issue of…
DiscoverPolly McLean was born in South Africa in 1974. She is an award-winning…
DiscoverTessa McWatt is the author of seven novels and two books for young…
DiscoverDr John Medina, a developmental molecular biologist, has had a lifelong…
DiscoverEva Menasse was born in Vienna in 1970 and has lived in Berlin for over…
DiscoverCasey Michel is a journalist whose writings on offshoring, kleptocracy,…
DiscoverJuan José Millás is a bestselling and multi award–winning Spanish…
DiscoverJonathan Miller is Channel 4’s Asia Correspondent based in Bangkok.…
DiscoverMatthew Miller’s collaborations include Lili Marlene: the soldiers’…
DiscoverAnnette Mills was born in the UK. After graduating from King’s College,…
DiscoverAzadeh Moaveni is a journalist, writer and academic, who has been…
DiscoverMitchell Moffit and Greg Brown are the creators of the award-winning…
DiscoverEmiliano Monge is a critically acclaimed, award-winning Mexican author.…
DiscoverA multiple Sunday Times bestselling author, Kate Moore has written more…
DiscoverJefferson Morley is a journalist and editor who has worked in…
DiscoverOindrila Mukherjee grew up in India and now lives in Grand Rapids,…
DiscoverMark Mulholland was born and raised in a town on the Irish border,…
DiscoverPatrick Mullins is a Canberra-based writer and academic who has a PhD…
DiscoverSara Flannery Murphy was born in Little Rock, Arkansas. Throughout…
DiscoverEmily Nagoski is Wellness Education Director and Lecturer at Smith…
DiscoverCori Nakamura Lin is a Japanese Taiwanese American illustrator and…
DiscoverJami Nakamura Lin is a Japanese Taiwanese Okinawan American author…
DiscoverSamer Nashef qualified as a doctor at the University of Bristol in 1980…
DiscoverVali Nasr is dean of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International…
DiscoverDr Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, is a Visiting Professor at Harvard…
DiscoverPeter R. Neumann is Professor of Security Studies at King’s College…
DiscoverMeg Lukens Noonan has written for many publications, including Outside,…
DiscoverBorn in the northern parts of Sweden, Annika Norlin is a writer and…
DiscoverRachel Love Nuwer is an award-winning science journalist who regularly…